Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can I expect from my first appointment?

A thorough consultation will be done to review your concerns and suggestions will be made about plan of treatment.

  • Are these therapies safe?

Yes, when provided under medical supervision.

  • What are bio-identical hormones?

Hormones that are prepared by a compounding pharmacy and are chemically the same as hormones that you made when you were younger.

  • Are bio-identical hormones available for men and women?


  • What are the symptoms of low testosterone?

Fatigue, low-sex drive, loss of muscle mass, loss of mental acuity, among others.

  • What is andropause?

Male menopause caused by low testosterone levels that occur as men age.

  • What are symptoms of hormone imbalance in women?

Feelings of anxiety, hot flashes, reduced mental acuity and memory loss, mood swings, vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, loss of sex drive, among others.

  • Does the patient have active involvement in their care?

Yes, very much so. There is constant interaction between the doctor and patient to discover the best treatment plan.

  • Will my health insurance cover treatments?

Vibrant Medical does not accept any form of insurance. Receipts will be provided for all care rendered. There is no guarantee that insurance will reimburse for care and Vibrant Medical will not bill your insurance directly.